
Textielkunsttentoonstelling “Hand in Hand”

Handen geven, nemen, vragen, bidden, spreken, tonen, begroeten, verzorgen, vertroetelen. Ze zijn zachtaardig, maar kunnen ook gewelddadig zijn. Handen kunnen artistiek ontworpen zijn en zelf kunst maken. Er zijn werken te zien van 47 Europese vrouwelijke kunstenaars. Zij integreren motieven van geborduurde handen gemaakt door vrouwen uit Afghanistan in hun eigen textielwerk. Zo vormen ze […]

RAMSAR – International Wetlands Day

In the valley of the Bavigne creek On 4 February, the nature park team invites you to a winter hike (length 7 km) in the Bavigne creek valley. The occasion is International Wetlands Day, which focuses on the areas protected under the RAMSAR Convention. The Upper Sûre region with its reservoir is one of two […]

Vernissage of the textile art exhibition “Following the Thread”

The Öewersauer Nature Park cordially invites you to the Vernissage of the textile art exhibition “Following the Thread” on Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 3:30 pm at the Cloth Factory Museum in Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg. This year’s textile summer exhibition also marks the start of the new touring exhibition of the international artists’ association QuiltArt. After […]

“Following the Thread” textile art exhibition by QuiltArt

In 2023, the Cloth Factory is the starting point for the new travelling exhibition of the international artists’ group QuiltArt! The group was founded in 1985 with the aim of pushing the boundaries of quilting as an artistic medium. Always committed to excellence in craftsmanship, QuiltArt today brings together 16 renowned textile artists who regularly […]